Thursday, November 14, 2019

Film Festival

This week we went to the film festival. we submitted mine James and Quinns movie. it was about dairy farming on the west coast. a lot of the other movies were pretty good. what i think was the best one is the first one that was made by Paroa school. there were many schools there including Karoro, St Patricks, Blaketown and us (Paparoa Range). there were some schools that submitted videos but couldn't make it.  

Friday, November 8, 2019

Math Baking

This week in math we were working on measurement and distance. so to show the teacher we could measure using cups and teaspoons. in my group was CJ, Johnathan and Ocean. johnathan brought measuring cups (that we didn't use). I brought a mixing bowl, measuring cups, measuring spoons, a baking tray and butter. we made brownie. 

Here is the recipe and some photos:
200g butter
3/4 cup cocoa
4 eggs
2 cups Chelsea White Sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
3/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Line a brownie baking tin with baking paper (suggested tin size 27 cm x 17.5cm x 3.5cm).
Melt butter and place in a large bowl.  Add cocoa to butter and mix.
Add 4 eggs, mixing together.
Add Chelsea White Sugar and vanilla essence, mix.
Add flour and baking powder, mix.
Spoon mixture into the baking tray and bake at 180°C for approx 30-50 minutes (depending on depth of baking tray).

this is cj enjoying the finished product.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Heritage day in South Africa

As most of you probably know that our teacher is South African, and in September over in South Africa is known as heritage month. So since Miss B (our teacher)  misses out she decided share some information and traditions about her culture with us (I am very glad I know someone from south Africa to teach me about their culture.)

  On the 18th of September was when Miss B brought in all the things about her culture. First she taught us about the African myths and legends on how the Afrikaans thought things happened.

Then we got started on our art. The art that we were doing was not normal art but it was rock art, Rock art is what the early south Africans told stories about there hunting trips in very basic detail.

After we finished our art Room 7 joined us to hear a lot of facts about South Africa like different dances, There was Zulu dancing and many others. As in South Africa dancing is a huge part of their culture.

 After Room 7 left we went outside to try some south African food, there was 4 different types of food there was my favourite the peppermint caramel crisp tart, the jerky (I didn't really like it that much), there was a rolled jerky (that taste worse than the other jerky) and the final food was a very yummy chocolate biscuit. After the yummy and not so yummy food we learnt about the house situation and what the houses were like.

In some places a lot of people live in shacks. shacks are a very basic house that doesn't have much inside. After we learnt about the shacks we had a go at making our own shack models made out of popsicle sticks and tape. My groups one wasn't very good at the start because it was to big and flimsy. But then we made a smaller one and was stronger.

We also learnt all about the south african clicks. there are three clicks they are X, C and Q

Thanks Miss B for teaching us all about your country.

Here are some images:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Staying safe online

This week we have been learning about staying safe online and I will be explaining some of the things that we learnt.

1.  Be careful who you talk to and what you say.
2.  What we should report and when we should report it.
3.  Don't  use your name or personal detail as usernames
4.  Don't share your personal information like your name your address etc.
5.  Don't send photos to people you don't already know.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Netball tournament

On Tuesday the 27th of August our netball team went to anzac park for the netball tournament. It was brought together bye quite a few schools like Greymain, St. patricks A, St. patricks B, Awahono, Cobden, Kararo, Paroa and us. Our first game was against Karoro they started very strong and got some quick points, but as we got through the game we started playing better. Our next game was paroa they started very strong as well they got heaps of points but we were lucky enough to score. As the day went on we played more games and lost. so that means we lost all our games but we got way better and played more like a team. We ended up getting 8th. Grey main was the champions and took first place home.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

St John Workshop

On Thursday the 22nd of August Katherine from St John in schools came and taught us about what to do if we find someone unconscious or has a severe bleed.

The first step when you find a unconscious person is make sure it is safe for you self to get to the person without hurting yourself.

The second step is to see if they are awake or sleeping, so what you could say is "hey mate you ok" if they don't respond like talk or look at you then you move on to the next step which is.

The third step is send for help. so that means if you have a phone or the patient have a phone call 111 immediately.

The fourth step is clear the airway, how we do this is we tilt the head back and lift the chin because that makes the tongue come back to the front of the mouth if it was blocking the airway.

The fifth step is look and listen to find out if they are breathing. how we do this is we put our hand just above the rib cage and watch our hand as we put our face up to their nose and mouth to feel there breath, we stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ski trip

On Thursday the 15th of august the year 7&8's went on a ski trip. We all met at Blackball and jumped into the blackball community van and the newmans truck. (Thanks Ryan for taking me to the ski field.) We left at about 7:25 after about 1 hour of driving we stopped at Arthurs pass for a little walk around, some people also needed to use the facilities. After about 10 minutes we got back on the road.

After about an hour driving we got to porters ski field. when we got there we all got our jackets and pants on and some of us got a little snack, then we all walked down to the gear hire place and got our boots and skies. When everyone was ready our instructor led us up to the ski field, when we got up there we learnt how to stop and go. When we got the hang of it we could go up the conveyer belt and learn how to stay the same speed. After we did that we just kept going up and down until everyone was finished. then we did a test to see if we could go up onto the pomer. Jess and Reagan were the only two from our school that past that test and everyone else including me were stuck this little sucky hill. But after lunch Ms bearings talked to the office people and got us a lesson so that we can go on the pomer.(A huge thanks to Sven who taught us to turn and stop on a steeper slope.) For the first few times we only went up half way, then when we were all ready we went all the way to the top and then went down a couple times. Then after we all came down from the top we then went back to the vehicles and got changed and returned all the skies and boots. when everyone was back into the vehicles we left porters ski field and so the journey began back home.(Thanks Cathie and all the other parents who helped with transport.)


Monday, August 5, 2019

Snow Day

In the weekend I had league training at Hargreaves park in the morning. When we got there it was a nice day but as the day went on the weather got worse so the coaches decided to end the training a bit early. On the way home there was sleet start coming down. And then it started to rain. But as we got further along the road it started to snow a bit heavier. When we got to stillwater and we seen that the snow was starting to set and Dad could see some black ice on the road so was driving very slow. When we got home I jumped straight into the shower to warm up. When I got out I was starving and wanted something to eat so I went outside to our freezer and got out two pies and cooked them. But as they were cooking I was looking for the sauce but I soon realized that we had no sauce! After I finished my lunch we all went outside and changed the rubber wear in the cow shed. When we finished we went and got the calves from the paddock. that day we had two calves die because of the cold weather and snow. After we got all the calves and fed them. We then went back to the house and I let my dog out and he started to run and jump in the snow. As he got used to the snow and the cold he started to eat the snow. And that is how my snow day went!